Investigative Services

We proudly present our work

Request A Consultation

Quest Research Group L.L.C. offers a variety of investigative services. Whether you are a large insurance company fighting to keep fraud levels down or a scared spouse concerned about infidelity we have the tools and the experience to get the results you need!

Mobile Surveillance

Surveillance is a very valuable tool in Infidelity investigations, employee investigations, fraud investigations, theft investigations, and civil investigations. Surveillance evaluates your subject activities, documents them, who they meet, where they are employed, what they are doing. Using discreet video documentation using state-of-the art surveillance equipment including hidden cameras,and night vision cameras. A picture says a thousand words! Insurance Investigations

We specialize in Insurance investigations, workers compensation, and liability claims.

Computer Forensic

A wide variety of services can be handled such as preservation of evidence, data recovery, email analysis, internet investigation, economic fraud, and investigation of corporate employee abuse of network and company resources.

Process Serving

Our investigators provide prompt cost-effective service of process throughout greater Detroit and Michigan. We offer rush service and same day issuing and filing of process.

Skip Tracing

If your looking for someone this is the type of service you need. We use a variety of national databases combined with investigation techniques to locate missing persons, old college buddies, defendants or anyone you wish to track down.

Attorney Services

We provide general attorney services conducted by our own private detectives including: surveillance, witness locates, background Investigation, personal contacts, scene investigation, jury pool backgrounds, statement process services, video deposition, and conducting interviews.

Call Us

Quest Research Group L.L.C.

(800) 218-7510


PO Box 520
Lexington, MI 48450
